About us
The aim of the Gala is to promote the village spirit by providing a great day out for all the people of Oughtibridge and by raising monies for local good causes and charities.
The Gala is organised by the Gala Committee, which is a non-profit making group, governed by committee constitution with accounts that are independently audited each year. The Committee consists of non-paid volunteers, most of whom have full-time jobs, and has been successful in securing charity status in 2015.
The Oughtibridge Village Gala has been held successfully in Coronation Park for over 30 years and is organised by the Gala Committee in close collaboration with Bradfield Parish Council.
Ticket Prices
Adults £2.00
O.A.P. £1.00
Children £0.50
The Gala Map
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What 3 words location
Where does the money go?
Oughtibridge Gala is run by Oughtibridge Gala Events and Donations Charity, which is a registered charity. We are a CIO, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, and report to the Charity Commission.
We aim to raise money for local charitable causes by organising community events. The majority of money raised goes straight back into the community's various projects, clubs, groups and good causes. For more information, please visit our Donations page.
Every year we do keep enough money back to fund the following year's Gala for outlays such as:
Entertainment fees
Entertainment license
Stall expenses
Advertising and many other minor outlays
All these things add up to over £5000.
One thing that you do need to bare in mind is that money is no replacement for the huge time and effort put in by the Gala Committee members and the Gala will only last as long as there is support from you. So, please come to one of our meetings and help keep your tradition alive!
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the gala take place?
Oughtibridge Gala day takes place on the last Saturday in June. Oughtibridge Sports Night takes place on the Wednesday in the week before. Our Next Gala day is on the 24th of June 2023 and our Sports Night on Wednesday 14th June 2022.
Where does the gala take place?
Both Oughtibridge Sports Night and Oughtibridge Gala take Place in Coronation Park, Station Lane, Oughtibridge. The entrance to the park is opposite the entrance to Waterside Gardens housing estate.
How much are tickets to the Gala?
Ticket Prices are as follows​
Adults £2.00
O.A.P. £1.00
Children £0.50
The Sports night is free to attend as are the children's/Family Events. Participants for the Tom Holmes Gala Chase are required to pay a fee to enter. Details can be found HERE
I would like to have a stall at the gala?
Information on how to hire a stall can be found HERE
I have a list of ideas on how to make the gala better
We would love to put on more attractions for our village and ways of raising more money for charitable donations for local groups, however we are stretched to capacity now.
At present we are a small group of volunteers, the majority of which have full-time jobs, that meet once a month from October in a local pub to arrange the following years gala for the village.
Oughtibridge Gala now needs your help to carry on this traditional family event, either as a micro volunteer on
the day or as a committee member. It's only once a month, in a local pub and you get to decide how the gala works and put on this great village even
For more information CONTACT US